VISA for Japanese Tourist

  • Filled-up application form ( applicantssignature required )
  • Two (2) passport-sized photos
  • Valid passport (valid 6mo past date of return)
  • Fees: JPY6,500 single entry visa (3 months)

Currently, we are not accepting multiple entry visa until further notice.

Please note that :
Make sure all space must be filled as per SAMPLE.

For No. 5 (Occupation), it should have the position of the applicant in the company and name of the company where the applicant is working at.

For No. 6 (Referees), this is someone in Japan who knows the applicant (family, relatives, friends or colleagues in the company)

For No. 13 (Reason for Journey), the purposeshould be tourism/sightseeing/holiday.

For No. 15 (Any references in Uganda), someone in Uganda whom the applicant is dealing with, such as friend in Uganda, travel agent, tour operator, or hotel.

Acceptance of Application:
Monday Thursday (except National Holidays both Uganda and Japan)
9:00 12:30, 14:00 17:00Friday9:00?13:00

Releasing of Visa:

  • Applications received Monday Wednesday can be pick-up by Friday (same week) from 10:00 13:00
  • However, applications received from Thursday Friday can be pick-up on Friday (following week) from 10:00 13:00
  • The application can be applied and returned by mail.Please enclose additional JPY 500 for expack or include self-addressed envelope and registered stamp.Also include a memo with "expac requested or "return envelope enclosed with name address and phone number.

VISA- for Japanese business

  • Filled-up application form ( applicantssignature required )
  • Two (2) passport-sized photos
  • Valid passport (valid 6mo. past date of return)
  • Fees: JPY 6,500 single entry visa (3 months)
  • Letter of invitation from Uganda or Letter of recommendation from the Japanese side.

Please note that :
Make sure all space must be filled as per SAMPLE.

For No. 5 (Occupation), it should have the position of the applicant in the company and name of the company where the applicant is working at.

For No. 6 (Referees), this is someone in Japan who knows the applicant (family, relatives, friends or colleagues in the company)

For No. 13 (Reason for Journey), the purposeMUST BE SPECIFICas to the reason why the applicant is going to Uganda.

For No. 15 (Any references in Uganda), someone in Uganda with whom the applicant is dealing with in Uganda, including name, address and telephone number of the receiving company.

Acceptance of Application:
Monday Thursday (except National Holidays both Uganda and Japan)
9:00 12:30, 14:00 17:00Friday: 9:00-13:00

Releasing of Visa:
Applications received Monday Wednesday can be pick-up by Friday (same week) from 10:00 13:00

However, applications received from Thursday Friday can be pick-up on Friday (following week) from 10:00 13:00

The application can be applied and returned by mail.Please enclose additional JPY 500 for expack or include self-addressed envelope and registered stamp.Also include a memo with "expac requested or "return envelope enclosed with name, address and phone number where the application should be returned to.

VISA- for Non-Japanese

  • Filled-up application form ( applicantssignature required )
  • Two (2) passport-sized photos
  • Valid passport
  • Fees: JPY 6,500 single entry visa (3 months)
  • Letter of invitation from Uganda and Letter of recommendation from your company.

Please note that :
Make sure all space must be filled as perSAMPLE.

For No. 5 (Occupation), it should have the position of the applicant in the company and name of the company where the applicant is working at.

For No. 6 (Referees), this is someone in Japan who knows the applicant (family, relatives, friends or colleagues in the company)

For No. 13 (Reason for Journey), the purposeMUST BE SPECIFICas to the reason

For No. 15 (Any references in Uganda), someone in Uganda whom the applicant is dealing with full name, address and telephone number.

The applicant may be requested for an interview before visa is issued.

Acceptance of Application:
Monday Thursday (except National Holidays both Uganda and Japan)
9:00 12:30, 14:00 17:00Friday: 9:00 -13:00

Releasing of Visa:
Applications received Monday Wednesday can be pick-up by Friday (same week) from 10:00 13:00

However, applications received from Thursday Friday can be pick-up on Friday (following week) from 10:00 13:00

The application can be applied and returned by mail.Please enclose additional JPY 500 for expack or include self-addressed envelope and registered stamp.Also include a memo with "expac requested or "return envelope enclosed with name, address and phone number.

2. VISA- for Diplomatic and Official Visa

  • Filled-up application form ( applicantssignature required )
  • Two (2) passport-sized photos (3.5cm x 4.5cm)
  • OriginalNote Verbale.
3.   E-immigration System
The Directorate of Citizenship and Immigration Control (DCIC), Ministry of Internal Affairs - Republic of Uganda, has completed the development of an electronic application and processing system for Visas, Entry Work Permits and Passes and it's up and running.
For more information, please visit the link below:
Please note that the Embassy of Uganda in Japan will still continue to issue visas using the current system until the e-immigration equipment is installed. Tour operators, airlines and the general public shall be informed when the Embassy is equipped.

Consular Information

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